Source code for

# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
# See ""
# for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Explore OpenCL platforms and devices.

import sys

    import pyopencl as cl
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    cl = None
except ImportError:
    print("""PyOpenCL import error turned into this Warning. 
This can be produced in kind of 'cross-installing' if configure on machine where PyOpenCL is not usable (like frontal on clusters).
Otherwise, check your installation.

In case of 'cross-installing' OpenCL default id for platform and device my be set by default to -1.
User should change index at runtime exporting HYSOP_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID and HYSOP_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ID
    cl = None

[docs] def size_human(s): """Converts size in Bytes into human readable size""" c = ["b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb"] i = 0 while s >= 1024: s //= 1024 i += 1 return str(int(s)) + c[i]
[docs] def get_defaults(device_type): """Get OpenCL default indices (GPU with largest global memory)""" default_platform, default_device = 0, 0 default_device_mem_size = 0 try: for i, plt in enumerate(cl.get_platforms()): for j, dev in enumerate(plt.get_devices()): if dev.type == device_type: if default_device_mem_size < dev.global_mem_size: default_device = j default_platform = i default_device_mem_size = dev.global_mem_size except cl.LogicError: sys.stderr.write( "WARNING : You are running for a non-OpenCL place " + "such as a frontend. Using a default id: 0 0" ) return default_platform, default_device
[docs] def explore(device_type): """Explore platforms and devices""" p_data, d_data = {}, {} try: platforms = cl.get_platforms() platforms_info = ["name ", "version ", "vendor "] all_devices = [] unchanged = lambda x: x boolean = lambda b: "Yes" if b else "No" type_str = cl.device_type.to_string devices_info = [ ("name ", unchanged), ("version ", unchanged), ("vendor ", unchanged), ("profile ", unchanged), ("type ", type_str), ("compiler_available ", boolean), ("double_fp_config ", boolean), ("single_fp_config ", boolean), ("global_mem_size ", size_human), ("local_mem_size ", size_human), ("max_compute_units ", unchanged), ("max_mem_alloc_size ", size_human), ("max_work_group_size ", unchanged), ("max_work_item_dimensions", unchanged), ("max_work_item_sizes ", unchanged), ("extensions ", unchanged), ] p_str_max = [] d_str_max = {} out = "" for i, plt in enumerate(platforms): p_str_max.append(0) devices = plt.get_devices() all_devices += devices p_data[plt] = [] for plt_info in platforms_info: p_data[plt].append(eval("plt." + plt_info)) if len(p_data[plt][-1]) > p_str_max[i]: p_str_max[i] = len(p_data[plt][-1]) for j, dev in enumerate(devices): d_str_max[dev] = 0 d_data[dev] = [] for dev_info in devices_info: d_data[dev].append(dev_info[1](eval("dev." + dev_info[0]))) if ( dev_info != devices_info[-1] and len(str(d_data[dev][-1])) > d_str_max[dev] ): d_str_max[dev] = len(str(d_data[dev][-1])) # platform index d_data[dev].append(i) default_platform, default_device = get_defaults(device_type=device_type) out += "\nPlatforms informations:\n Id |" for i, plt in enumerate(platforms): out += str(i) + " " * (p_str_max[i] - len(str(i))) + " |" for i, plt_info in enumerate(platforms_info): out += "\n " + plt_info + " |" for i_p, plt in enumerate(platforms): out += p_data[plt][i] out += " " * (p_str_max[i_p] - len(p_data[plt][i])) + " |" out += "\n\nDevices informations: \n Default device |" for i, dev in enumerate(all_devices): if i == default_device and d_data[dev][-1] == default_platform: out += "DEFAULT" + " " * (d_str_max[dev] - 7) + " |" else: out += " " * (d_str_max[dev]) + " |" out += "\n Platform Id |" for i, dev in enumerate(all_devices): out += str(d_data[dev][-1]) out += " " * (d_str_max[dev] - len(str(d_data[dev][-1]))) + " |" out += "\n Id |" for i, dev in enumerate(all_devices): out += str(i) + " " * (d_str_max[dev] - len(str(i))) + " |" for i, dev_info in enumerate(devices_info[:-1]): out += "\n " + dev_info[0] + " |" for i_d, dev in enumerate(all_devices): out += str(d_data[dev][i]) out += " " * (d_str_max[dev] - len(str(d_data[dev][i]))) + " |" out += "\n" print(out) except cl.LogicError: pass
if __name__ == "__main__": if cl is None: print("-1 -1") exit(0) if "EXPLORE" in sys.argv: if "CPU" in sys.argv: explore(device_type=cl.device_type.CPU) else: explore(device_type=cl.device_type.GPU) else: if "CPU" in sys.argv: p_id, d_id = get_defaults(device_type=cl.device_type.CPU) else: p_id, d_id = get_defaults(device_type=cl.device_type.GPU) print(str(p_id) + " " + str(d_id))